Representatives for Women in Motorsports North America include the following individuals:

Michelle Armbruster
Speedway Motorsports, Texas Motor Speedway - Sr. Manager of Client Services
Hometown | Residence:
Emory, TX | Emory, TX
First Year in Racing: 1998
Greatest Accomplishment:
Duck Commander 500
Always remember that you must walk in others shoes to fully understand what they do and the pressures they are under.

Tami Bandimere
President, Bandimere Speedway
Hometown | Residence:
Morrison, CO | Littleton, CO
First Year in Racing: 1962
Greatest Accomplishment:
Race to Read Program for elementary students.
Life is all about highs and lows – enjoy the freedom of the highs and learn strength from the lows.

Julie Bennett
Bristol Motor Speedway, LLC Vice President and General Counsel
Hometown | Residence:
Kingsport, TN | Kingsport, TN
First Year in Racing: 2007
Greatest Accomplishment:
Being part of the leadership team that brought the Battle at Bristol (world’s largest college football game) to fruition at Bristol Motor Speedway.
Always put people first.

Ellie Burkhart
Charlotte Motor Speedway Administrative Assistant
Hometown | Residence:
Greensburg, IN | Charlotte, NC
First Year in Racing: 2018
Greatest Accomplishment:
Playing a big role in the All-Star Race at the historical North Wilkesboro Speedway.
Everything happens for a reason – don’t stress!

Gail Cunningham
Sonoma Raceway, Operations Manager & Fire Chief
Hometown | Residence:
Roseville, CA | Vallejo, CA
First Year in Racing: 2012
Greatest Accomplishment:
Starting out as a volunteer and working myself into a leadership position at our racetrack.
To finish first, you must first finish.

Lauri Eberhart
Friends of Laguna Seca, CEO
Hometown | Residence:
Jackson, MI | CA
First Year in Racing: 1986
Greatest Accomplishment:
Founding Apollo Law Group and becoming a category killer in our region.
Do what you love and the money will come. Be honest and trustworthy. Work hard. Call your Mom.
- WIMNA Board of Directors

Suzi Elliott
Penske Entertainment, Senior Manager of Media Relations
Hometown | Residence:
Cincinnati, OH | IN
First Year in Racing: 2005
Greatest Accomplishment:
Assisting in planning and executing the 100th Running of the Indianapolis 500.
Hard work and perseverance are two keys to success.
- WIMNA Working Group

Jessica Fickenscher
EVP and Chief Experience Officer at Speedway Motorsports
Hometown | Residence:
Newfield, NJ | Davidson, NC
First Year in Racing: 1997
Greatest Accomplishment:
Becoming the 1st C level female in our organization
Don’t sell yourself short, drive fast and take chances!
- WIMNA Working Group

Julie Giese
President, Chicago Street Race
Hometown | Residence:
Colby, WI | Peoria, AZ
First Year in Racing: 2001
Greatest Accomplishment:
Becoming only the second female track president
Raise your hand. Be your own biggest advocate for your career growth and development.
- WIMNA Working Group

Kellie Leeman
IMS Senior Director of Ticket Sales & Service
Hometown | Residence:
Caribou, ME | Carmel, IN
First Year in Racing: 2016
Greatest Accomplishment:
Re-seating customers for the 2021 Indy 500 Race to adhere to the 40% capacity limit.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

Alicia Marie Massie
Atlanta Motorsports Park, Director of Events
Hometown | Residence:
Herford, Germany | Dawsonville, GA
First Year in Racing: 2009
Greatest Accomplishment:
Bringing my hospitality industry event planning and execution knowledge to a motorsports country club to elevate customer experience.
Always do your best.

Michelle Lackey Maynor
Owner & President, Alaska Raceway Park
Hometown | Residence:
Wasilla, AK | Palmer, AK
First Year in Racing: 1986
Greatest Accomplishment:
Owning a motorsports complex.
In driving and in life, only back up as much as necessary to move forward in the direction you need to go.
- WIMNA Working Group

April Morris
WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, Director of Operations
Hometown | Residence:
Royal Oaks, CA | Monterey, CA
First Year in Racing: 2014
Greatest Accomplishment:
Taking a risk has been my single greatest career accomplishment.
Remember, you belong here just as much as anyone else, and your contributions have the potential to inspire positive change in the industry.
- WIMNA Working Group

Monica Mulcahy
Speedway Motorsports, Senior Director, Business Development
Hometown | Residence:
Manhattan Beach, CA | Dallas, TX
First Year in Racing: 2021
Greatest Accomplishment:
Being a mentor.
Everything always works out for the best.

Connie Nyholm
VIRginia International Raceway, Co-owner & CEO
Hometown | Residence:
Martinsville, VA | Alton, VA
First Year in Racing: 1998
Greatest Accomplishment:
Resurrecting VIR.
I surround myself with people who are better than I am at what they do.
- WIMNA Working Group

Emily Riess
Lime Rock Park - Director, Events & Experience
Hometown | Residence:
Compton, RI | Lakeville, CT
First Year in Racing: 2015
Greatest Accomplishment:
Leaving a career in healthcare to follow a passion and take on a career in motorsports.
Proper preparation prevents poor performance!
- WIMNA Working Group

Karen Sue Strawder
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Contract Administrator
Hometown | Residence:
Indianapolis, IN | Indianapolis, IN
First Year in Racing: 1995
Greatest Accomplishment:
Nearly 30 yrs on the job.
Sweat the small stuff and the big stuff will fall into place.